Friday, September 26, 2008

Honest John McSame went to Washington

There was a bi-partisan deal and then Honest John McSame went to Washington and kicked over some tables and then there was no deal?

Hey! Nice work John! Thanks for queering that shitty deal, but what did you say to those house Republicans in the glass walled subway cars deep in the bowels of the capitol?
I saw you.
What were you thinking as you sat, strong-silently in the Whitey House, perfectly symmetrically separated from BO, by Lame Ducky? What did you have up your sleeve when you rode out of town at sunset, not sayin’ whether you was headed South fer Mississippi or out West, to clean up some other town?

And just how does Mr. Rove intend to turn your trained seagull act to your political advantage? Well, I’m going to open a beer fast and turn on the TV fast, because it’s time for the deba . . .

1 comment:

The Out Of Joint Times said...

Oh yeah! Did you know that John McCain was a POW in Vietnam?