Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Plan 'C' – A brief descent into paranoid delusion

They can't win the election.  We know that.  They know that.  Haven't you noticed that they're campaigning far less effectively than anyone would have anticipated?  Surely less effectively than they are capable of.  Why is that?  Take a moment to look at it and you'll realize that it's an obvious sham.  They're just going through the motions.   They're not seriously campaigning anymore (they're so over that) they're already into plan 'C'.

Plan 'A' = win the election.
Plan 'B' = steal the vote.*
Plan 'C' = don't accept the outcome.

Oh lordy, where is this train of thought leading me?  Have they not just dedicated an entire US Army Brigade Combat Team to domestic police duty?  Oh yes they have.  The Third Infantry Division First Brigade Combat Team has already completed training for its new mission: suppressing civil unrest/dissent in the United States of America.

Oh come on, is it really conceivable that the Cheney-Rove White House  would refuse to hand over power?  That it would actually call out the troops to neutralize  Americans who resisted?  Well, the First Brigade Combat Team officially took up its new mission on October first of this year, just in time for the election.

But isn't using the military as an internal police force illegal, under Title 18, US Code, Section 1385, mommy?  Hush dear; look at our savior up there.  Did you know that he died for your sins?  Did you know that John McCain was a POW in Vietnam?

*Not so easy this time around.  'O' has an infinite number of lawyers and poll watchers (incl. TOOJT) on standby.  We catch anybody messing with the votes – their ass is grass.